Logo Creation: Alli Bee Yoga.
A collection of logos and graphics for Austin-based yogi Alli Bee.

Alli Bee is a yogi in Austin, TX spreading her love of yoga and the pursuit of finding your internal light. I've come enjoy how yoga benefits my life in so many facets and after attending a class from Alli I felt a surge of inspiration to create a logo for her to use as part of her representation in the business world and self promotion. I initially played with a more traditional drawing of a bee similar to one you would see in an old field guide or insect study. I wasn't too happy with those results and chose instead to create something modern and sleek.
I used some bolder lines and used a few bee photos/anatomy illustrations for reference to create a sharper bumble bee logo. From here I took the logo through a few explorations with type and encircled a few that would translate to stickers very easily. As a designer, I find it impacting to create logos through exploring how they may be used in the field as well as how they stand alone. This helps me determine what is and isn't working for a logo. This is a crucial step in creating a successful logo as a logo is a graphical representation of a person/business/organization and thus will likely be used in plenty of areas other than a simple Instagram icon or email signature. After finalizing the bee logo itself, I created a few different graphics with and without type and Alli enjoyed every piece--success!
Alli Bee teaches at Black Swan Yoga and Practice Yoga in Austin, TX and can be found on Instagram at @allibeeyoga.

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